Saturday, March 31, 2007


picture is titled "proof that man needs woman".

Friday, March 30, 2007

Beautiful cars crashed by rich idiots

click here to visit who have the article

Manliest Moments in Sports

I can't watch vids from work so I'll post this for viewing later. :)

Some of the descriptions sound downright brutal.


google map routes: you can swim right ?

this is cool. want google to give you directions from "harvard, cambridge, massachusetts" to "Kings College, Cambridge, England" ? well google includes as step 12 - "Swim across the Atlantic Ocean, 3,462 mi".


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Star Wars Stamps

IGN has the article that linked me to the official site for the new USPS stamps. Vote for your fave.

I think they're pretty cool. Nothing like sending christmas cards with Darth Vader on the envelope.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Lego hawtness!

Now this Lego related furniture is not just form over function... you can re-arrange the sofa by changing the configuration Lego-style and get a different sofa when you get bored or need to change the location of it... :)

Lego-shaped Sofa [via Gizmodo]

Tandy in Hobart sells the microsoft PS3

One Tandy Electronics store in Hobart Australia decided to take Playstation 3 advertising matters into their own hands with 9 pieces of A4 paper, some sticky tape and a lot of creativity.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

a fellow Perth2Hobart-er died on Sunday

very sad news. He was one of the good guys. He was also the one of the top fundraiser so he was well regarded by those who knew him. Getting hit from behind is one of a cyclist's worst fears, you likely have no idea about what is coming up behind you.

Here are some photos I took of David on the 2003 ride.

super fast printing

Quite a few colleagues from the Sydney office have left in recent years to work for the super secret Silverbrook Research. They don't even have signs on their offices and they can never utter what they are working on. Anyways the door has opened slightly with some new sites to do with their super fast and supposedly cheap printing. I'd love it if this lead to home printing that was really really cheap, but I figure once they license it to the big boys like canon and HP it will become like now.

Check out video of how fast it prints on the first link.

Silverbrook's Memjet printer technology available late 2007, company says

Revolutionize your printer portfolio with Memjet technology.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Chad Vader

There's 7 of these now. I found them amusing. Link courtesy of my bro.

More Wii Babies...

This 22 month old kid rocks at playing Wii Tennis, and seeing my offspring is only 1 month his junior, perhaps I can convince the wifey to get a Wii so that we can all participate in a family activity? ;)

22 Month Old Baby Rocks at Wii Sports [via Gizmodo]

Friday, March 23, 2007

easter eggs in google homepages

[via for the rest of them too]

Haiku Error Messages...

Now how's this for an idea for a more interactive nerdlink post... (also based on more outside traffic from non-posters, this is your opportunity to get creative and also to let us know your existence... You know who you are...)

I was reading a post from TheDailyWTF/WorseThanFailure/WhatEverTheyAreCalledNow and it was about a slightly humorous error message which a submitter encountered and they suggested it was almost like Computer AI with a touch of sarcasm...

On closer inspection, it had almost a Haiku-like structure with the exception that there was one too many syllable on the first line (the 'A' at the start can be redundant)

So on more searching I found this page on Haiku Error Messages.

So all you wordsmiths out there... get commenting with your submissions... :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Stormtrooper19, originally uploaded by Ty Nigh.

The US Postal Service has deployed a whole bunch of new mailboxes... painted like R2D2!

I wanna fly to the US and post something. :)

Twas the night before PS3 launch in Oz...

... not a creature was stirring... not me at least... :)

My cousin sent me the link to an interesting article on but the thing that made me chuckle was the YouTube video enclosed for your viewing pleasure...


baby laughing at the wii golfer

Zan, probably best not to take this guy on your next round.

Golf Anyone?

Now I know that Zano is a keen golfer and this is a bait post, but with this neat little invention I know I can really get into this Golf thing...

Golf Ball Launcher [via Gizmodo]

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

all your start page are belong to us

how perty is this ! the new Tea House theme for your own personal google start page. The little guy even moves around as the day changes - has some tea, star gazes, fishes etc.

Monday, March 19, 2007

discover: funny

Murdoch uni has a new 'discover' site with a flash image browser on the left where people can submit their own 'discoveries' for a chance to win a prize.

Unfortunately some people are submitting some politically incorrect discoveries, such as "for sale, one child slightly used, warning: likes to bite. - michael jackson".

Perhaps they will start moderating submissions soon.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Be careful about your online searches...

I while back I posted a story about how Google logs what you search for if you are logged in with Google Accounts, and here is a real life story about it's implications... :)

Cop: Wife googled 'How to commit murder' [via /.}

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sunni, Shia, wha?

For the politically ignorant (aka me), this link was very informative on the matter of the political and religious opponents in Iraq...

DIY technical research papers

Came across this today while reading The Daily WTF and was quite amusing...

"SCIgen is an application that generates technical research papers. Of course, its output is all meaningless gibberish, but if you're not paying attention and just skim over its output, it seems like a real, well-researched work. Anyone who knows anything about IT, though, would realize it was garbage after a single paragraph."

SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator

How about this at your next movie outing?

mmmmm... bacon popcorn

@ Slashfood

the ultimate urinal gallery

not sure I could use some of them ...

microsoft vi

If microsoft made vi....

Monday, March 12, 2007

Donald E. Knuth doesn't do email anymore

"I have been a happy man ever since January 1, 1990, when I no longer had an email address. I'd used email since about 1975, and it seems to me that 15 years of email is plenty for one lifetime.

Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things."

steve jobs and american foreign policy

LOL ! video of the month !!

Human Jumbotron

Whats a workday without a ut00b or 2 ?

embedding disabled by request, huh ?? nah it isn't Mr. YouT00b - just edit the HTML to put in the correct video ref and it wurken.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

From Hiro to zero: thank goodness for channel BT

Heroes to villains

THE Seven Network's stable of international drama is anything but invincible after Heroes took another dive last night.

Heroes has now lost almost one million viewers since it premiered to an audience of 2.1 million six weeks ago.

Last night it fell victim at 8.30pm to Network Ten's House, the night's most watched program with 1.46 million viewers in capital cities.

The Heroes audience of 1.18 million viewers was seventh for the night, even finishing behind Nine's McLeod's Daughters, which has been considered to be lagging early in its sixth season.

Game 3.0

Taken from Phil Harrison's Keynote, he talks about Game 3.0, a service called Home for the PS3, and a game called Little Big Planet which will be debuting in early 2008.

Little Big Planet from

Phil Harrison's Keynote [@ Wonderland]

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

BMW M3 Concept

What the new M3 Beemer might look like.

Gallery over at gizmag.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Awesome Cakes!

With the 1st birthday of little-um's coming up fast, perhaps it's time to look at some neat cake ideas?

Michelle Cakes [via Wonderland]

how to get your photo in a magazine, pose with gucci

In Switzerland, it doesn’t take much to be in a Gucci ad campaign. You photograph yourself naked, add a perfume bottle and the Gucci logo, send it to a weekly paper, and have them bill Gucci directly for the $50,000. They’ll fall for it every time. Naturally, this is now the top story at a rival newspaper. [via Swiss paper publishes this bogus Gucci ad]

Opera supports /. as a url !

go-on try it, type /. into the address bar ;

Step 1: Type the “slash” and “dot” symbols

Step 2: Hit enter; redirects to Slashdot

geeks rule the world ! [via ‘Slashdot’ Easter egg in the Opera browser]

Adobe Lightroom Adventure slideshow

Quicktime movie: click

A really interesting slideshow of pictures from the Adobe junket to Iceland, where a whole bunch of photographers took pics there and used Lightroom to process/cull.

This isn't so much about lightroom as it is about the pictures, which is fine by me.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Scott Adams - maybe he does watch heroes

5. How far in advance do you submit comics?

The daily comic needs to be e-mailed to my syndication company about 4 weeks ahead of its publication date. The Sunday strips require more processing by the newspapers (because of the color) and have to be in about 8 weeks ahead of publication. Lately I’m only a week or so ahead of those deadlines. When I first started in this business, I was 6 months ahead of deadline. I’ve been chipping away at that buffer ever since.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

mmm, glowing things

glowing headphone wires courtesy of

dad, I don't need your help ....

classic piece of televison. love this guy, such confidence.

Vista is a cheaper windows

Time for some Vista luuurve.

Understanding the True Cost of Windows



22 years of inflation has made Windows Vista cheaper than previous versions of Windows.


So Is Vista Really Cheaper?

Based on the evidence presented, I've shown conclusively that Windows Vista is the most inexpensive operating system they've released to date. After almost 10 years of steep price increases, the MSRP of Windows has been flat for more than a decade, with the cost after inflation steadily decreasing since then. One would expect that the cost of Windows would rise with inflation, but I have shown that simply isn't the case. And while newspapers are quick to trump the (so far) subdued public excitement for the Windows Vista launch compared to Windows 95, purchasing that OS in today's dollars is a VERY tall order.

Had to smile at the guy who put this together :

"I'm just an online pundit who's barely old enough to legally buy alcohol"

just shows you who is running the tech blogs nowadays. You just need to read digg for a while to see the average age is, um , low.