Friday, October 12, 2007

does she turn for you ?

THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.,21985,22556281-661,00.html


ntt said...

This REALLY messed up my brain just then.
When I first loaded the page she was spinning clockwise, then after I read some of the text she was spinning anti-clockwise. Then I clicked to view the article and when the page loaded she was spinning clockwise again!

I think this proves that either I use both sides of the brain equally (but alternating) or that my first reaction to everything is logical and then emotional...

If I was equally left and right brained though, wouldn't she stand still? Or would that mean that my brain has frozen, or like Hiro Nakamura I can stop time? Or that my browser doesn't support animations?

i'm so confused

Digital Davo said...

I reckon there is a non-deterministic timer in there to confuse us all.

I can't work out which way is normal for me - seems clockwise is more common. Does that mean I'm having a girlie day ?

Damn it, I want to write some code, spin the other way.

I will just have to stare a bit longer.

ZanMan said...

hmmmm... it's clockwise for me. No matter how many times I look at her.. she continues to spin clockwise.

erm... I'll check it out daily just to make sure.

cs said...

Awesome! You can definitely see it both ways. Think about a single point on her foot and imagine how it moves back and forth to understand why.

To make the switch, focus on her legs and try to imagine that the leg in front is really the one behind (they're both black).

Unknown said...

Without the shadows, the image is entirely neutral - could be either way.

However, I believe the shadows provide a light cue that actually enables this puzzle to be "solved". Can you determine what the shadows tell you?

Check for yourself before reading any further...


Okay... The light is coming from behind the figure -- that's obvious (if the light were from the front, the shadow would be "upright"). So you may simply view the "shadows" as a reflection, if that makes it easier for you.

The reflection of the extended leg would NOT be visible as the leg passes near, only as it passes opposite the viewer.

Therefore the extended leg and arm are the LEFT ones, indicating counter-clockwise motion.

Is my logic flawed here? I don't want to be too insistent...

Help me out.

Ms. Brandywine said...

This has to do with the shadows of her feet... the way you interpret them, as left to right or right to left, informs your brain as to which way the figure is moving. How neat!

marie0118 said...

Okay, I'm not sure if anybody is going to read this since the subject was posted over 2 years ago... The person is spinning in both directions, if you concentrate on the feet you will notice that she starts off on the left and then mid-rotation she switches to her right....

Digital Davo said...

Yes we still read this - and are amazed that it still gets some interest. Mesmerising hey ...